Since the beginning of botanical life on earth, the seed has been the powerhouse of life for the plant. Within each seed lies the continuing answer to generations of the same plant species. For humans, whole seed extracts offer a plethera of health benefits that have only recently been given serious attention in scientific literature. Rain Nutrition has combined a powerful combination of seed extracts with several benefits, including powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits.
(Go to click Enroll International - my ID: 88638 / Username: haomin796)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Produk Kesihatan Jus Himalayan Gochi

Produk Kesihatan Jus Himalayan Gochi
"GOJI" adalah buah unik mengandungi nutrien untuk kesihatan. "GOJI" mula diiktiraf sebagai buah yang mengandungi banyak nutrien dan mempunyai ciri anti oksidan. Ia telah diamalkan dalam perubatan tradisi Cina selama lebih 5000 tahun. Khasiat daripada buah ini antaranya dapat mempertingkatkan fungsi sistem imum, memperbaiki penglihatan, melindungi hati, menambah penghasilan sperma dan memberbaiki peredaran. Ia juga dapat meningkatkan daya kehidupan, membantu pengaliran darah, membuang angin dan sekaligus merupakan herba yang hebat. Ia mengandungi khasiat semulajadi, sesuai untuk kesihatan setiap peringkat usia. Ia juga baik untuk kesihatan kanak-kanak.

Goji telah digunakan dalam Perubatan Tradisional oleh rakyat China selama lebih 5000 tahun. Terdapat beberapa teks perubatan Cina purba yang menyanjung faedah kesihatan yang mengagumkan daripada buah Goji ini. Berikut adalah antara teks perubatan tersebut:- Ben Cao Hui Yan menyatakan: Goji meningkatkan Qi atau daya kehidupan, menyokong darah, menyuburkan yin dan yang, membuang angin, merupakan herba yang sangat baik".

Rasailah Nikmat, Ketahuilah Hikmat!
Secara tradisionalnya, buah goji dipercayai mengandungi banyak khasiat untuk tubuh badan manusia serta mampu membantu merawat pelbagai jenis penyakit.
Secara umumnya, goji dapat memberi faedah kesihatan seperti menghapuskan radikal bebas, menggalakkan metabolisme, melancarkan pengaliran darah, mengoptimunkan fungsi hormon dan juga membaiki tenaga fizikal.
Rangkaian produk kesihatan dari extrak jus goji seperti Himalayan Gochi dan Taislim ini boleh diambil sebagai makanan kesihatan harian dan dapat membantu kita untuk kehidupan yang lebih aktif, sihat dan bertenaga.

Sila hubungi dengan email:

Thursday, December 16, 2010



肿瘤患者经过放化疗后,许多患者的病情得到了控制,但放化疗后 肿瘤患者的免疫力低下,肿瘤细胞很容易卷土重来,导致癌细胞转移和扩散。所以放化疗后的患者在恢复期必须高度重视免疫力的提高,才有望达到治疗的效果。本产品对免疫力低下者的淋巴细胞数量的提升效果极为显著,并能激发免疫应答功能,增强对传染病的抵抗力。可有效保护人体防御感染的第一屏障细胞膜的完整性, 免受损伤或加速修复


通过提高非特异性免疫能力,同时激活自体免疫系统中吞噬细胞的加工处理,阻止病源微生物(细菌、病毒)入侵机体,抑制其在体内繁殖、扩散并从体内清除病源 微生物及其产生的毒素,保护机体生存的功能,达到强化特异性免疫能力的作用。使可能被感染者与免疫有关的许多宿主防卫反应产生,还能增加宿主对病毒包括艾 滋病毒、肝炎病毒的抵抗力,达到快速、高效、免疫、防感染的效果



Sunday, December 12, 2010

Do More versus Do Better!

The easiest form of management is to encourage or demand that people do more.  The other translation of this phrase is to go faster.  The most important and difficult form of management (bordering on leadership) is to encourage people to do better.  Better is trickier than more because people have trouble visualizing themselves doing better.  It requires education and coaching and patience to create a team of people who are better!

Thursday, December 9, 2010




      枸杞作为药品在祖国传统中医看来尤以强肾保肝润肺补血明目延年为主,其应用历史悠久。现代医学研究进一步证实枸杞抗氧化抗衰老之功效显著。因 此,枸杞鲜果浆作为健康食品用于养生,既符合中医的脏腑衰老学说,又符合西医的细胞衰老学说,兼有提高功效价值之特点,服而久之,一定会收到延年益寿的效 果。
      杞鲜果浆因为没有枸杞干果加工过程的晾晒、烘干和食用过程的炖、泡、煮,功能因子不会遭到破坏,枸杞的单位价值高,功效强。加之枸杞为阴阳兼补之药温而 平和,即使长期饮用也不会上火。而且枸杞鲜果浆在包装设计、日常用量等方面,充分考虑到了果浆的浓度、瓶装容量,携带方便等因素,消费者可不受时间、空间 限制,随时随地即饮。

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Kind of Leader Others Want to Follow

The Kind of Leader Others Want to Follow
The key to becoming an effective leader is not to focus on making other people follow, but on making yourself the kind of person they want to follow. You must become someone others can trust to take them where they want to go. As you prepare yourself to become a better leader, use the following guidelines to help you grow:
  1. Let go of your ego.
  2. The truly great leaders are not in leadership for personal gain. They lead in order to serve other people. Perhaps that is why Lawrence D. Bell remarked, "Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things, and I'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things."
  3. Become a good follower first.
  4. Rare is the effective leader who didn't learn to become a good follower first. That is why a leadership institution such as the United States Military Academy teaches its officers to become effective followers first - and why West Point has produced more leaders than the Harvard Business School.
  5. Build positive relationships.
  6. Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. That means it is by nature relational. Today's generation of leaders seem particularly aware of this because title and position mean so little to them. They know intuitively that people go along with people they get along with.
  7. Work with excellence.
  8. No one respects and follows mediocrity. Leaders who earn the right to lead give their all to what they do. They bring into play not only their skills and talents, but also great passion and hard work. They perform on the highest level of which they are capable.
  9. Rely on discipline, not emotion.
  10. Leadership is often easy during the good times. It's when everything seems to be against you - when you're out of energy, and you don't want to lead - that you earn your place as a leader. During every season of life, leaders face crucial moments when they must choose between gearing up or giving up. To make it through those times, rely on the rock of discipline, not the shifting sand of emotion.
  11. Make adding value your goal.
  12. When you look at the leaders whose names are revered long after they have finished leading, you find that they were men and women who helped people to live better lives and reach their potential. That is the highest calling of leadership - and its highest value.
  13. Give your power away.
  14. One of the ironies of leadership is that you become a better leader by sharing whatever power you have, not by saving it all for yourself. You're meant to be a river, not a reservoir. If you use your power to empower others, your leadership will extend far beyond your grasp.  

Friday, December 3, 2010

最具历史性及最具突破性的新发现 - 喜玛拉雅山杞子

最具历史性及最具突破性的新发现~喜玛拉雅山杞子Himalayan Gochi Juice

Dr Earl Mindell博士经过8年多不断研究,与Freelife 公司合作,经历艰巨的过程,研制完美的专利提炼技术,保留了新鲜枸杞全面的营养价值,创造出独一无二的标准规格~ 高能量喜玛拉雅山枸杞果精华汁~ 保存及平衡杞子最重要的多醣成分之活性 谁是Dr Earl Mindell?

Dr Mindell 是注册的药剂师,草木植物采集者并有营养学的PhD 学位。 他是一个世界知名的营养学家,他是50大畅销营养学著作的作家。 他其中的一本著作,「The Vitamin Bible 全球销售超过一千万本,并被印制成32种语言和发行到54个国家。 20054月,Dr Mindell被邀请到联合国演讲有关抗衰老的话题。   于20068月发行的「Breakthroughs In Health」,在他经过无数的研究后,发表了「38个每天喝杞子精华汁的原因」。 这本"Goji: The Himalayan Health Secret",由Dr Earl Mindell 编写,于2003年首度发行。这本书Dr Earl Mindell 首度揭露给世人知道「38个每天喝杞子精华汁的原因」。 在这本书和Goji Juice喜玛拉雅山杞子精华汁面世之前,杞子在世界上只是得到少数人的认识。为了让你们更加清楚知道这本书的可信程度,我们有必要了解一下作者的背景、 他的权威性和他在营养学世界里的地位。

Dr Earl Mindell艾尔敏德尔博士建议的杞子汁每日饮用量: (参考中国医学临床实验,包括应用干及新鲜杞子的实验):

过敏症及牛皮癣  每日24安士 (60ml-120ml)
抗衰老  每日24安士 (60ml-120ml)
关节炎及炎症  每日4安士 (120ml)
提升运动表现及增强能量  每日5安士 (150ml)
增长血液  每日2安士 (60ml)
预防癌症  每日2安士 (60ml)
对抗癌症  每日48安士 (120ml-240ml)
心血管保健  每日4安士 (120ml)
糖尿病(不需服用胰岛素者)  每日2次,每次2安士 (60ml)
肠胃炎  餐前3安士,每日3 (90ml)
高血压  每日3安士 (90ml)
增强免疫力  每日24安士 (60ml-120ml)
不育  每日5安士,连续4个月 (150ml)
健肝  每日12安士 (30ml-60ml)
减肥  早晚各2安士 (60ml)
牙周炎  1安士含於口中一分钟 (30ml)
阳萎或不举  每日34安士 (90ml-120ml)
增强视力  每日2安士 (60ml)
众多病者  每日46次,每次2安士 (60ml)

喜玛拉雅山杞子精华汁TAIslim太易纤: 美国原装进口 每箱4( 11公升 )
国内朋友如欲订购请电邮给我   电话:+60175796163
Website   联系方式

Thursday, December 2, 2010


枸杞子種類繁多,單是西藏已有41種。大多數品種都只會有一兩種枸杞子多聚醣,唯獨有一類枸杞子(拉丁文Lycium Barbarum)有齊四種活性多聚醣Proteoglycans蛋白多醣體,亦是最珍貴的有效成份。
用量:強身健體者每日2 - 4 OZ(30ml-60ml),調理身體每日4-6 OZ(60ml-120ml) ,特別情況每日6 - 12 OZ(120ml-240ml) 。正常人平均每人每月大概3 - 4(1),視乎需要。多飲無礙。  

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Goji & Great Sex!

Goji and Great Sex
Your’re  Never Too Old For Great Sex
If you watch prime time TV dramas or listen to lyrics of current pop songs, you might think that sex is only for younger adults. This simply isnt true. Sexual feelings and desires are with us throughout our entire lives. In fact, according to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Research and Education, most people still have sexual fantasies and desires well into their 80s and 90s.
In 1999, an important AARP (American Association For Retired Persons) study asked mature Americans:
"Is a satisfying sexual relationship important to your quality of your life?"
Percentage of respondents answering YES: 
75 years and older
Source: AARP/Modern Maturity Sexuality Study, Washington , DC , 1999
Unlike past generations, few of us today are willing or ready to give up feeling active and alive just because we are growing older. As we progress inevitably from youth into middle age and beyond, we want to partake for as long as possible in those pleasurable activities that keep us feeling young. That includes enjoying intimate relationships.
A healthy sexual relationship can benefit every aspect of your life, including your physical health and self-esteem. And although sex in your middle or later years may be a bit different from the way it was in your twenties, it can be every bit as enjoyable and fulfilling. All thats required is an understanding of the normal changes that are taking place in your body and your partner's body. These changes can affect your ability to have and enjoy sex and, if not addressed, they can result in difficulties with arousal or performance (sexual dysfunction). Results from a national survey of people aged 18 to 59 years reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicate that sexual dysfunction is common among both women (43 percent) and men (31 percent).
What Drives Your Sex Drive ? Your libido (sex drive) is regulated by the hormone testosterone. Although classified as a male hormone, testosterone is produced by both men and women. As you age, your body produces less testosterone. The result? Your interest in sex may diminish significantly.
Revive Your Sex Drive
The noted herbalist Ron Teeguarden reports that in Chinese studies, goji was shown to markedly increase testosterone levels in the blood, increasing libido in test subjects.
Coping With Change
Men and women experience different changes in their bodies as they age.
Testosterone is not the only hormone that affects your desire for sex and sexual pleasure. As you approach menopause, you may experience a drop in levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. This causes vaginal tissues to become thinner, drier,
and less flexible, which can make sexual activity uncomfortable or even painful. Longer foreplay and the use of water-based lubricants can help, and having intercourse regularly actually helps maintain lubrication and elasticity.
Changing hormone levels can also cause you to have problems sleeping, and can result in heavy, irregular, or lengthy menstrual periods. You may find yourself feeling too tired or ill to enjoy sex.
Emotional factors can also affect your desire for sex. The Association of Reproductive Professionals informs us that at least 50 percent of problems with sexual desire have to do with relationships. For example, partners may have problems communicating with one another about their feelings in general, or their sexual needs. They may have boring sexual routines, or may no longer feel sexually attracted to each other. Feeling drained or stressed about your life situation your job, finances, children and other factors can also cause you to lose interest in sex.
Your body image is also important. If you feel that things like gray hair or wrinkles make you less attractive or desirable to your sexual partner, then you may find yourself looking to avoid sex.
As you age, it might take you longer to achieve an erection. Your erections may be less firm and may not last as long. After climax, it may take longer before an erection is again possible. Some men may find they need more foreplay.
As men get older, erectile dysfunction (ED) becomes more common. Also referred to as impotence, ED is the loss of ability to have and sustain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.
According to the National Institute on Aging, by age 65, about 15 to 25 percent of men have this problem at least one out of every four times they are having sex. This may happen in men with heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes either because of the disease or the medicines used to treat it.
Freedom from stress and distraction are required elements for male arousal and sexual performance. If you are overly stressed with worries about how you will perform, it can trigger impotence. Ample reserves of stamina and endurance are also necessary for a stress-free sexual experience.
Goji Fights Fatigue, Boosts Stamina
An animal study showed that gojis master molecule polysaccharides induced a remarkable increase in exercise tolerance and stamina, and helped to eliminate fatigue.
Beating Health-Related Sexual Dysfunction
Illness, disability, and medications can affect your ability to have and enjoy sex. But, even the most serious health problems don
t have to stop you from having a satisfying sex life.
Joint pain can make sexual contact uncomfortable. Exercise, rest, warm baths, and changing the position or timing of sexual activity can be helpful.
Goji Activates Arthritis-Fighting Enzyme
An important study in China found that the ingestion of goji resulted in a remarkable 40 percent increase of the bodys most powerful anti-inflammatory enzyme.
Although many men with diabetes do not have sexual problems, this is one of the few illnesses that can cause impotence.
Goji and Diabetes
Goji has been used in China for the treatment of adult-onset diabetes for many years, as it is said to balance blood sugar and insulin response.
Heart Disease
Narrowing and hardening of the arteries known as atherosclerosis can change blood vessels so that blood does not flow freely. This can lead to trouble with erections in men, as can high blood pressure.
Some people who have had a heart attack are afraid that having sex will cause another attack. The chance of this is very low. Most people can start having sex again 3 to 6 weeks after their condition becomes stable following an attack, if their doctor agrees.
Take Heart With Goji
The effects of goji on endothelial function were observed by Jia YX et al (1998) in China . Their results showed that the increase of blood pressure in hypertensive rats could be prevented significantly by treatment with goji polysaccharides.
Tips For A Lifetime Of Better Sex
Communicate with your partner. Ask about his or her needs and ways that you can accommodate each other.
Make changes to your routine. For example, try sex in the morning when you have the most energy.
Try new positions. You might find one thats more comfortable for you and your partner.
See your doctor if you think you have a health problem that is stopping you from enjoying sex.
Eat a balanced diet, with plenty of fruits, vegetables and fluids.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, at least 3 days per week.
Avoid alcohol, as excessive use decreases sexual function in both men and women.
Try to reduce the stress in your life.
Keep a positive outlook on life.
And, most importantly, drink goji juice every day.
Goji berries have been traditionally regarded in Asia as a longevity, strength-building, and sexual potency food of the highest order. In several study groups with elderly people, the berry was given once a day for three weeks. The results showed that spirit and optimism increased significantly in all patients.
Additionally, nearly all patients reported improved appetite and better quality of sleep. More than 35 percent of the patients saw a marked recovery of sexual function.
The goji berry is also legendary for helping to spark the passions. In fact, an old Chinese proverb cautions men who are traveling far from their wives and families: "He who travels one thousand kilometers from home should not eat goji!"
Usual Dosage Level
Research and traditional use suggest a daily intake of 3 to 4 ounces of high-quality standardized goji juice (Himalayan Gochi), taken with meals. An additional 2 to 4 ounces may be taken before sexual activity if desired.
(For further info & inquiry, email: