Since the beginning of botanical life on earth, the seed has been the powerhouse of life for the plant. Within each seed lies the continuing answer to generations of the same plant species. For humans, whole seed extracts offer a plethera of health benefits that have only recently been given serious attention in scientific literature. Rain Nutrition has combined a powerful combination of seed extracts with several benefits, including powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits.
(Go to click Enroll International - my ID: 88638 / Username: haomin796)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What is Resveratrol ?

Rain Nutrition Compensastion Plan Part 1 of 2

Rain Nutrition Compensastion Plan Part 2 of 2

Compensation Detail

RESVERATROL! Barbara Walters

Defend Yourself Against Free Radicals with Resveratrol!


Amazing testimonies

Amazing testimonies are also flooding in..... one of our rising leaders, Mr Sin gave me this amazing testimony, look at the before and after Live Blood Analysis, after just 30 minutes after drinking only 1x2 ounce Soul packet!

Nothing short of amazing, Soul is being hailed by many Dr's as the fastest way to alkaline your blood, rid of free radicals, and support healthy blood and health. Also there are currently human clinical trials underway with Soul and the pre test results are amazing, stayed tuned in the coming months for the published studies!

The Rain is falling around the world!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Rain Nutrition Introduction_Widescreen


Rain Soul is Amazing

Mr. Lee Si-hoon (Korea) – Black Rain Diamond

Mr. Lee Si-hoon (Korea) – Black Rain Diamond
Posted by admin on Friday, February 4, 2011
Rain Nutrition, Giving the World To Me
Lee Si-hoon is the first Black Rain Diamond in Asia. He has been working in the network marketing business for 14 years. Although he worked in various companies, he had never met a company that gave global chance to him like Rain Nutrition. Because of this reason, he could partner with Rain Nutrition and become the global top leader.
Upon meeting him, he praises that Rain Nutrition is the company that changes Korea network marketing paradigm. He has worked for many companies, both global as well as Korean, and claims that there were not many that understood distributors’ situation. Especially, he confessed “global business chance” in domestic network marketing is just like fool’s gold. Rain Nutrition was different. He likes that Rain is going to establish branches in 10 other countries after establishing the Korea branch. He believes that global business chance means dominating the market in advance.
Preoccupancy is important in network marketing. Because the leaders in each country already dominate the market in advance, other distributors may not achieve their desires. Rain showed that it selected Korea as a bridgehead and would enter the Asia market through Korea. He stated that “Korea is small but Asia is extensive.” Lee So-hoon tasted success in a short time because he believed in the vision of Rain and did his best to accomplish it.
Lee’s power of execution from his belief is amazing. He started network marketing in his
twenties and had time doing business in his thirties throughout all parts of the country. Korea market has no limits when there is a good business plan and a great product to back it. Lee Si-hoon could show his true qualities after encountering Rain because Rain does not limit him and he does not limit himself. In short, Lee Si-hoon and Rain Nutrition are made for each other.
Lee Si-hoon isn’t satisfied with his success alone because he knows that it is because of the many leaders who follow and believe in him that make him succeed. So, his first goal is to produce distributors who are above Diamond by the end of this year. For this, he tries to share his vision with his co-workers and pass down his know how.
He emphasized that “Although network marketing starts in America, it is suitable for Korea market due to affection among Korean people. It’s the time to make network marketing model of the future, sharing our health, wealth, and vision.”
The Korean wave is sweeping Asia. It means that Korean culture can be accepted in Asia, thus the network marketing made by Korea can settle down as a trend in Asia. So he insists that Korea network marketing distributors should not cling to small Korea and had better turn their eyes to extensive Asia. He also insists obstinately that distributors should find global chance which is not lip deep, but definite.
Lee Si-hoon dreams that he founds the academy which trades global pro network marketer. He wants many network marketers who follow him not to undergo trial and error because of his experience. He has a sense of duty about network marketing model of the future. He believes his success is not only his, it has to be Rain Nutrition distributors’, by extension, all network marketer’s in Korea. Lee Si-hoon’s last goal is that he will change network marketing into a reputable and meaningful career.

(For registering & ordering: - click Enroll International - enter my ID: 88638 / Username: haomin796 - choose your country)

Jason Kelley explains Why Rain Nutrition is a Game Changer

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


好轉反應 有可能的原因 處理方式
1 皮膚會癢 是免疫系統增強了,白血球吞噬皮下的細菌或毒素。腎不好、毒素回流也會癢。背上熱、痛癢、可能是汗腺或皮脂腺改善前的現象(通常皮膚乾燥),風疹塊是典型的膽汁回流(肝膽不好所致)。 改善以後就不癢。
2 頭痛 頭部神經或頭部血液循環不良。 改善以後就不再痛。
3 耳鳴 血液循環欠佳,耳部神經傳導不良。 改善以後漸漸消失。
4 昏睡 有慢性肝硬化現象,肝細胞修補恢復期需大量休息。 昏睡情形隨著細胞恢復漸漸改善。
5 眩暈 內耳不平衡或貧血也會。 繼續食用,可稍減量。多忍耐。
6 嘔吐 腸胃不好或嗆到。 教導吞食方法。
7 青春痘 皮脂腺阻塞,停留在皮脂腺之脂肪或毒素被活化的細胞排除後,漸漸改善。 二至三週就過了。
8 流鼻血 末稍血管脆弱,考慮有否細菌感染。 血管彈性增加後就改善
9 口乾舌燥 細胞活動增加,就像運動後一樣會口渴。 應多喝優質水。
10 痰多咳嗽 肺細胞活化,有能力把痰排出。 好現象
11 頭皮癢 新細胞生長快,被細菌破壞的頭皮細胞不斷脫落。 好現象
12 眼屎多 眼睛內循環改善,滯留物排出 好現象
13 飯量少 細胞吃飽後,不再吃太多東西。 好現象
14 心跳加速 心臟不好或貧血。 好現象
15 腰酸 骨骼神經受壓迫,腎臟不好、太胖、女性要考慮子宮機能不好或坐姿不正確。 隨著細胞生長,酸感消失。
16 胃痛 胃或十二指腸有潰瘍。 忍耐幾天就過去。
17 小便多 腎臟、胰臟、神經系統及膀胱差。通常有糖尿病或感染。 改善後漸正常。
18 小便白濁 腎臟絲球體有感染,蛋白質流失。 請做尿蛋白檢驗,一個月以後再比較改善程度。
19 尿酸高 體內之尿酸正排出。 改善後漸正常。
20 小便臭 細胞內毒素排除。 改善後漸正常。
21 排氣 腸胃蠕動改善。 改善後漸正常。
22 血尿 腎或膀胱結石,結石已經開始鬆動或排掉。 改善後漸正常。
23 下痢 大腸差,通常帶油。通常約一天二、三次,但沒有不舒服 改善後漸消失。
24 脹氣 腸胃不好者。 好現象,食用量可稍減,多運動。
25 便血 有痔瘡或大腸長瘤者。 若持續兩週請看醫生。
26 月經不停 子宮內之血管脆弱或有長瘤,考慮有感染。 若持續兩週請看婦科。
27 子宮痛 若劇烈疼痛不停,可能內膜異位或生瘤。 若持續兩週請看婦科。
28 肥胖 腎臟不好,等免疫力提昇後即可改善。 需要持續增加滋養。
29 手腳末端麻、刺痛、觸電感 末梢神經傳導或血液循環改善的好現象。 改善後漸正常。
30 抽筋 神經系統較差或障礙,已開始改善。 隨神經傳導改善而改善。
31 體重下降 免疫力增加,巨噬細胞會吞噬多餘的脂肪 恭喜您。
32 沒有感覺 但氣色、皮膚、眼神都在變好。一般消費者都期盼吃了產品精神會比較好,但因沒感覺,所以誤以為產品不夠好。事實上,身體內部正在慢慢整建。 應注意食用前後之不同。
33 血糖高 細胞內殘餘糖份正在排出。 幾天後漸漸改善。
34 中性脂肪 血管壁之脂肪正在排出。 幾天後漸漸改善。
35 血壓高 血液循環改善,但血管阻力未消失,待巨噬細胞活化,排出血管壁的中性脂肪後,血壓就會下降。 繼續服用血壓藥,但應每天量血壓,注意其下降情形。