Since the beginning of botanical life on earth, the seed has been the powerhouse of life for the plant. Within each seed lies the continuing answer to generations of the same plant species. For humans, whole seed extracts offer a plethera of health benefits that have only recently been given serious attention in scientific literature. Rain Nutrition has combined a powerful combination of seed extracts with several benefits, including powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Goji Helps Balance Blood Sugar

Diabetes Stories
I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes two years ago and was put on medication. Shortly thereafter, I started drinking Goji Juice and within a day or two, together with the medication, my blood sugar level plummeted way too low forcing me to reduce my medication. This I did over a carefully monitored six week period. At the end of which, I was thrilled to learn that with proper diet and exercise and daily consumption of Goji Juice, my sugar levels have normalized and have remained that way since.

Richard, Canada
I feel very compelled to share my “Goji” story with anyone and everyone who will listen because Goji juice has completely changed my life.

Before I began drinking Goji juice, I had constant back pain from the minute I would make the bed in the morning, and when I would try to shop with my friends, I could only walk a short distance and was completely in pain.

When I would run the sweeper, by the time I was about half finished, I would get my office chair and push the sweeper that way. I have diabetes and was taking meds for that and high cholesterol and the meds I was taking had many bad side effects.

When I first started to drink Goji juice, I did not take it as I should have and at first truly did not believe it would help me. Soon I decided to take it on a regular basis. Drinking two ounces twice a day, Goji juice has made a new person out of me. I no longer take medication for my diabetes or cholesterol and my back pain and arthritic pain have completely gone away.

I cannot believe how Goji makes my days so wonderful. I can now run the sweeper, get around great, shop till I drop and do regular routine household duties with no pain.

I save so much money because I don’t have to buy meds and I no longer have side effects; I will drink Goji juice forever. I have been overweight and have tried sooo many different diets and after drinking the juice, I have lost over 50 pounds and am still losing.

I love to help others who need to feel better too!
Marsha C., Ohio

This is what happen to me when I started drinking Goji juice fourteen months ago. I was on 1500 mg of diabetes medication and I was taking two blood pressure meds because I was over weight and my blood pressure was high.

I started drinking 4 ounces of Goji juice a day and got amazing results within about ten days. After drinking the juice for about two months, I was able to get off all my meds and after fourteen months, I’ve lost about 100 pounds. Goji juice has given me my life back.

I went to my doctor after about three months to have my blood sugar and blood pressure tested to make sure my readings where right. My blood sugar was 116 and my blood pressure was normal.
JC (J. Carpenter), Ohio

In January 2006, I was diagnosed with diabetes. My glucose level was above 700. My blood sugar reading was so high I could have lapsed into a comma. I was hospitalized for 1 week after which the doctor sent me home to medicate myself. I was given two insulins to administer through needles. Three time a day I would prick myself in the stomach.

In February 2006 I was introduced to goji juice by my niece. I took 2 capfuls twice a day for a period of 1 1/2 months. Today, I am free of needles, my hair that had turned gray is now turning black again due to goji's anti-aging properties. I have dropped about two pant sizes due to weight loss and my doctor continues to give me good reports when I go for checkups. I have so much energy now. I sleep well at night. I can't praise God enough for allowing me to come into contact with this health promoting product that is doing great things in my body.
Deacon Earl R., Washington, D.C.

I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in January 2006. From the very onset I had neuropathy in my right leg and foot. It was so intense that it would keep me from sleeping at night. At each doctor's visit, I would say something to him about it and his only response would be that he
wanted to monitor it for another 3 months to see if the diabetic medication would begin to help. For 7 months there was no change and then on a Thursday I began to drink Goji juice and by the following Monday morning the tingling was gone and has not returned. I will be a Goji juice drinker for the rest of my life!!!

Peg B - Anna, OH 

I've had diabetes for about 20 years and started drinking Goji juice in October 2005.  My blood count would run from 300 to 600 and now it runs about 100 all the time, every once in a while it is 120.  There are days I take no insulin at all or my blood sugar drops too low.   I'm taking from 4-6 ozs of Goji a day and I love the taste.  I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in the fall of 2005, and at my checkup the first of August my doctor told me my heart is now normal.  A side effect for me is the loss of 40 pounds.  It's the best thing that ever happened to me and has saved me a lot of money. Gloria, S.
I have been drinking the Goji juice for over 3 months and it has been working great by lowering my fasting blood sugars. My blood work for anemia is better and also other areas of my blood have improved.
I have kidney disease so cannot take much for pain and one day I realized I was not taking Tylenal on a daily basis any more because Goji juice has also helped me with my chronic pain.
Cathi G., Haysville, KS 

My Daughter Kelsey is 10 years old and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 4 years ago. Since She has had very bad breath along with sugar levels that are low and high, some days very difficult to control. When she gets sick it comes on very quick and last 3-4 times longer then a child without diabetes or manipulated immune system.
She stared drinking Goji juice in December 2005. After 2 weeks we noticed her bad breath was gone. The kids at school were no longer teasing her about her breath and we also noticed a change in her sugar levels. They are not perfect but we’ve noticed a considerable change in the pattern. She does not wake up with as high levels as she used to and her delayed lows have diminished from extreme activity. Kelsey seems to bounce back from a common cold/flu twice as fast and has not missed a day of school in the past 3 months.
She loves the taste and has energy to burn. A cure is not available as of yet but I know this will help her to live a long healthy and happy life.
Todd D., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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