Since the beginning of botanical life on earth, the seed has been the powerhouse of life for the plant. Within each seed lies the continuing answer to generations of the same plant species. For humans, whole seed extracts offer a plethera of health benefits that have only recently been given serious attention in scientific literature. Rain Nutrition has combined a powerful combination of seed extracts with several benefits, including powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Your Face is a Map of Your Energy & Emotions

Beauty problems that show on the skin originate internally. Asian doctors observe specific areas of the face that indicate internal health. Beautiful skin begins with healthy blood and good circulation. Ancient Chinese doctors knew that beauty problems were more than skin deep. Blemishes and facial flushing are explained as signs of internal heat in this quote from The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine:

  " The symptom of the sickness of heat, when it is located in the liver, is that the left side of the jaw turns red. The symptom of the hot sickness, when....located in the heart, is that the complexion (entire face) turns red. The symptom of the hot sickness, when it is located in the spleen, is that the nose first turns red. The symptom of hot the lungs, is that the right side of the jaw first turns red. The symptoms of the hot sickness...located in the kidney, is that the chin first turns red."

Complexion is the outward manifestation of vital energy! (Qi se)

Beauty is renewed each day with healthy meals, oxygen, and loving thoughts. Our blood and body fluids are the deepest source of nourishment and defense against aging. Blood helps to determine our beauty, the ebb and flow of our reproductive life, and our immune strength.

We always hear: "Men need energy, women need blood." Women need blood because of menstruation, and that men need to improve vigor. The truth is, we all need to build blood, not just women. Both sexes need energy tonics and blood-building herbs to protect us from burnout and weak immunity to illness! Beautiful skin and hair require herbs that support internal organs which produce, store, and circulate blood. If you need blood, you may or may not be considered anemic, but you have predictable signs and symptoms that can be classified as internal cold or internal heat.

Internal cold symptoms related to blood deficiency leave us feeling tired and listless. You may be pallid and have colorless lips, which are typical signs of anemia recognized by Western medicine, can be corrected with blood-builders that increase chi or yang like the Himalayan Gochi juice.

On the contrary, internal heat symptoms related to blood deficiency are inflammatory, including chronic fever, night sweats, hot flashes, or emotional problems not usually recognized in the West as signs of blood deficiency.  An Asian doctor will pay more attention to bloodshot eyes, thinning hair, and ruddy complexion as a sign of internal heat anemia. Other indication, reddish, dry tongue, rapid pulse, menopausal hot flashes, rashes, nervousness, dry skin and insomnia. Internal heat problems involve the underlying condition: blood deficiency with inflammation or dehydration. Many times heat symptoms are cleared up by cooling, blood-building herbs. It will also help if you eliminate hot spices from your diet and stop smoking.

The "temperature" of an herb is extremely important. Blood-building herbs can bring us into balance, ensuring improvement in all aspects of health and beauty, because they affect metabolism and body fluids. Gojiberry (gouqizi) is consider "gentle" herb which benefits both symptoms.

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